mobile: +44 782 865 2566
office: +44 178 587 8209
SAGE Stock Required.
Quickly scan any combination of Sales Orders for the stock items required. Any shortages re immediatly visible.

Additionally the utility can drill down into any depth of sub assemly (BOM) stock components for a detailed shortagelist.

The shortage list can be printed Or exported to an Excel spreadsheet for further processing.
   App shows in Sage 'Purchase Orders' Ribbon    
Sage Line 50 version 28 or 29. Other versions available on request. FREE to download, request a 7 day license to experience the benefit to your system and Staff time saved.
Secure dowload the SAGE v28 Stock Required App  SAGE v29 Stock Required App
Note: Sage line 50 MUST be running when this application is run.